Another unfavourable result for the coalition led government

The Daily Examiner.
The Ipsos issues monitor was released this morning, and it might cause some anxiety on the ninth floor of the Beehive.
Some key findings form the survey found:
  • The National-led coalition had the lowest rating of government performance since tracking began in 2017 with 41% of respondents rating 0-3 out of 10.
  • The top 5 issues unchanged – inflation still number one issue, but healthcare is tracking up as a strong concern too.

The Ipsos issues monitor tracks what issues New Zealanders are most concerned about, who is worried about what and which political parties they believe are best able to manage these issues. During 24 February – 2 March 2025 it conducted fieldwork for our 27th Ipsos NZ Issues Monitor report with a total of 1,002 New Zealanders aged 18 and older.

The top five issues were inflation, healthcare/hospitals, the economy, housing, and crime/law and order.

Although not a significant increase, issues facing has increased in ranking from 14th to 10th place and household/personal debt moved from 9th to 14th .

Money was still a big issue for younger New Zealanders.

David Seymour on Wednesday was asked about why public polling suggests people aren’t entirely pleased with the National-led coalition. The ACT leader, who was acting prime minister at the time, said it was a reflection of the state of the economy – and said support will pick up when the economy does.

“I think people have been voting on the economy as much as they’ve been voting on the government, and the government will be rewarded if it does hard work on the economy to make people’s lives better. But we’re not there yet,” he said from Auckland.

The most recent 1News Verian poll had Christoper Luxon drop to 22% in the preferred prime minister stakes, his lowest result as leader. It was one of three polls released last month which gave the parliamentary left bloc a narrow lead – but enough that it would be able to form a government were an election held today.

18% of respondents were concerned about poverty/inequality

  • 15% were concerned about climate change
  • 10% were concerned about unemployment
  • 7% were concerned about household debt
The top issues varied by generation too. Those aged between 18 and 34 were most concerned about inflation and the cost of living (56%), followed by housing (35%) and healthcare (25%). Inflation was also the number one issue for the 35-49 age bracket (56%), followed by healthcare (36%) and housing (29%). Those aged 50 to 64 (52%) were most worried about healthcare, as were those in the 65 and older group. Inflation and the economy were the second and third issues for both groups too.
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