By Elliot Ikilei.
It is fascinating to watch the self-debasement of NZ Mainstream Media as they saturate the New Zealand public with rants and innuendo against Trump, Family First, conservatives, even those concerned about taking a mandatory injection.
Just one example of this bullying attempt by Media outlets is Brian Tamaki.
Mainstream Media platform Māori leaders, pumping their voices above and beyond non-Māori, supporting such even when extreme or racist. Often, NZ Media will use Māori skin colour as a weapon, accusing any who disagree with ‘correct thinking Māori’ as being divisive or racist.
Brian Tamaki, however, is a brown man who is fair game to any attacks by the media.
While NZ media appear simpering towards those who follow the same ideology, Brian Tamaki is somewhat of a problem to the Left.
He is a conservative Christian who promotes the nuclear family, freedom and upholding the reality that women are women and men are men. To make it worse for NZ Media, his programmes, ManUp and Legacy, are considered the top of the game in turning broken lives around and engaging in massively improved lifestyles and commitment to family and children.
Live conducted with Mel Taylor and a regional ManUp leader following an interview with Brian Tamaki on the Drag Queen for Kids protest:
What I found fascinating about the media vitriol is the lack of discussion about what Brian stands for and what he stands against. The latest controversies are that his crew protested Drag King Hugo Grrl performing to children in a public library.
Very little has been investigated as to whether it is appropriate to have sexual adult content contextualised to children, the fact that the adult performer has been given over a million dollars to make drag content aimed at kids, or even that the library is a ratepayer-funded facility, a publicly owned building.
Instead, we are given shock captions and pearl-clutching headlines usually reserved for gangs and terrorists:

To give balance, have a look at the captions surrounding the Posie Parker event that saw violent attacks against women and elders, including a shocking lack of intervention by police and alarming scenes of demagoguery.
Indeed, NZ Media were humiliated when unedited footage went internationally viral via citizen-journalist Simon Anderson which saw an immense outcry across the world, accusing New Zealand of being an unsafe place for women and free speech:
I have observed Brian’s speeches and rallies over the last decade, and I attest that he is not hateful. And I have seen him get choked up on occasion when speaking on his desire for New Zealand to return to being a place where children were far more safer, where drugs were not commonplace, when families were considered vital, not convenient.
He is a father, grandfather, patriot, Christian, man. He is outspoken.
What is so wrong about that?
I am not in his church and I have some small theological disagreements with him. But the vitriol faced by a taxpayer-funded/supported media industry compels me to consider what he speaks on.
As the formerly taxpayer-funded Disinformation Project levelled fantastical assumptions his way, and NZ Mainstream Media habitually attacked his conservative activism while downplaying the positives of his programmes, a reasonable person I realised that he is regarded as a problem to the Centre-Far Left ideology that exists in our nation.
I have interviewed and interacted with many of those in the church and even those who support him but do not belong in the congregation; they seem independent and able to articulate a position on family and conservative values that conflict with a brainwashed cult follower.
On the other hand, his opponents seem to be trained on what to say, unable to adjust responses when questioned robustly.

Public trust in NZ Media is in freefall.
We don’t trust them anymore and isn’t helpful that the NZ Mainstream Media keep targeting Brian Tamaki and, consequentially if successful, those broken lives his team have helped to transform.
Indeed, the Mainstream Media is doing what their counterparts do across the West: attacking those they traditionally use as ideological human shields for not following their programming.
In other words:
Brown Man Bad.