A call has been made for an independent watchdog has been made by Te Pati Maori at Waitangi to ensure the provisions and rights of the treaty is protected and able to move forward..
In an announcement made on Day 2 of the treaty celebrations the political party claim the establishment of a Parliamentary Commissioner for the treaty would be a critical step to protect and uphold mana of Aotearoa’s founding document.
“Our people waited far too long the promises of Te Tiriti to be honoured. This Commissioner will be an independent advocate, ensuring that Te Tiriti is honoured across all government policies and decisions made in,” said Ngarewa-Packer.
“The Commissioner would have the role auditing the government’s honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi. It will provide independent advice to Parliament and ensure Māori voices are central to-making processes.
“We must continue to build the Aotearoa hou that tangata whenua and tangata tiriti are envisioning. That must start with committing to the promise of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”
“We have heard the harmonious call from Aotearoa to make this a one-term government,” said Rawiri Waititi.
“Our discussions in caucus this week have focused on coalition negotiations and how we must centralise Te Tiriti in all policy. This starts with an independent Parliamentary Commissioner.
“Crown-led approaches have consistently failed to uphold the commitments promised in Te Tiriti.
“We see the importance of an independent Parliamentary Commissioner. It’s time for a dedicated watchdog to protect the rights of tangata whenua and ensure government actions align with Tino Rangatiratanga, equity, and active protection.”